Monday, November 10, 2014

805 Firestone Walker Brewing Co

This is a tasty, drinkable ale out of Central California. You can't fault it for being from California, any more than you can fault a child whose parents voted for Romney. It's almost a honey-like first taste with a smooth maltyness to it. It's refreshing. It's tasty. It's about where you could possibly get away with chugging it, depending on what you have going on tomorrow and if you love hang overs. Alcohol level is at 4.7%, and the bottle is 12oz.

I got this at the local organic market, with it's obligatory gigantic alcohol section, as this is the Seattle area. It's probably also at any Trader Joes, BevMo, Whole Foods, in your area.

805. What the hell does that stand for? No idea. But, it is in the shape of olde tyme shipping company logos. So maybe it is a nod, to the Central Californian Coast's shipping history, a la "Island of the Blue Dolphins"?

In conclusion, I'm going to finish my beer. You should get one.

Nitty Gritty

So the plan with this is to blog about, and review different substances that I plan on trying anyways. Substances of the coffee, gin, or cider persuasion. However, as a human, I have a few biases that I want to get out of the way initially.

1. I don't like IPA's very much. That doesn't mean I don't sometimes like them, or sometimes find a certain brand that just blows my mind. But in general, not my fave.

2. I'm epileptic. This means a few things, as far as my particular seizure disorder, most of which deal with weed. First, when I'm smoking weed, its usually to alleviate my seizure problems. Secondly, my seizures cause some perception and physically problems that might influence how I perceive a High. However, sometimes, or often, I am smoking with friends, and take into account their stated perceptions of the experience as well for the blog (ex "I feel relaxed", "I feel inspired", etc).

Other than that, if you have questions, leave comments!